Harm Mulder will join fellow shipping company Wilhelmsen Ahrenkiel on 1 April, which is specialises in container vessels as well, just like JR Shipping. He will work there as Fleet Manager. The management and colleagues of JR Shipping congratulate Harm on this great career step and are very grateful to him for sixteen years of dedication and commitment. Everyone knows and appreciates Harm as a solid pillar of support, a pleasant and accessible colleague and as a committed professional with a keen eye for quality, safety and efficiency.
‘Time for something else; the next step’
Harm about his switch. “I have had very special years at JR Shipping, always been able to work with a great team, learned a lot, experienced a lot and always had the full confidence of Sander and Jan Reier (managing/owners JR Shipping Group). Another challenge came along. The crisis years are behind us and there is a new dynamic in the shipping industry. A good moment to take a new path and to hand over the work.”
The position will be taken over by Robert-Jean Dupuis. Since 2003, he has been an equally stable and trusted force within our shipping company. After various technical roles, Robert-Jean took on the position of Head Insurance since 2006. In light of the rapid growth that the shipping company experienced, he streamlined complicated insurance technical processes.
Focus on trust and collaboration
The choice of Robert-Jean as the new Director Ship Management is a logical one. He knows the shipping company like no other and has the required experience and skills for this new role. Both towards business relations and colleagues – with extra focus on the seafarers – Robert-Jean hopes to make an active contribution to maintaining and increasing mutual trust and intensifying the cooperation.
“After twelve years of crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s time to take a serious look ahead,” says Robert-Jean. He cites the concern for the safety and well-being of both Ukrainian and Russian seafarers as one of the most important challenges of the moment. “Our crew, of whatever nationality, is our capital. Their commitment is crucial for the quality of our services – now, under worrying circumstances, and in the coming years. We have weathered the crisis and sail with good vessels and motivated crew members. We will continue to invest in that.”
‘A role to be proud of’
Other challenges that Robert-Jean Dupuis sees include anticipating environmental requirements and making the fleet more sustainable, greening existing vessels, further expanding the ECO Feeder newbuilding programme and creating new cooperation models. His most important, personal mission is: “To ensure that we tackle the complex challenges of our time together with colleagues and business partners. That we are all proud of what we do and realize that we are part of an industry that is essential for global economic growth and prosperity.”
In close collaboration with Harm Mulder, Robert-Jean Dupuis is preparing with enthusiasm for his new role as Director Ship Management. All efforts are aimed at a flawless transfer of the tasks and responsibilities that form the basis for the efficient and safe performance of the JR Shipping vessels. Harm: “I have always enjoyed the teamwork and am proud of the sustainable relationship we have built with our business partners. I wish Robert-Jean and all colleagues every success and thank everyone for the trust I have had all these years.”